Munchkin Phone app People play munchkin in groups of 4 on their phones.

Project Description

This was undertaken by a group of top students for their CAPSTONE project. At the time they did it there was missing English documentation and they had to use Google Translate to read the documentation. One of the team members had come from managing a Canadian Tire Store. He ended up going back to Canadian Tire in their innovation lab as a software developer. It was especially neat for me as my Dad was also in retail at Eatons and took his CPA to start a second career. He also went to Eatons as a programmer analyst when he was done school. Another student on the team was a goto guy on the support team at RIM. He ended up as Program Coordinator / Professor - Web Design and Development Program at Conestoga College.

Project Details

Audience:Second career program CAPSTONE
Language:html5, collie.js, javascript, node.js and

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