This is my current development environment bootstrap to be run with curl to set up a user with sudo and docker groups. I use it instead of carrying a laptop between my 3 teaching gigs.
Start up a Ubuntu Amazon instance and run:
bash <(curl <your desired username here>
Sadly I can’t find a way to get visual studio code without using chrome. I did install Chrome as a way of getting Visual Studio Code and instructions for most everything else. Download Visual Studio Code with chrome and install it with gdebi. Something like sudo gdebi ~/Downloads/code........deb
Also sadly, I tried this with Ubuntu 18.04 and it was very slow. I tried the exact thing with 16.04 and it is fine. With Ubuntu 16.04 there was a hack that I needed to get vscode working. I had to edit the elf file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
and change the one occurence of the word BIG
to FIG
. You couldn’t make something like this up.
Mate with xrdp and Ubuntu 16.04 doesn’t deal with alt-tab
properly. I couldn’t find an acceptable fix.
Once VSCode was installed I also installed extensions ritwickdey.liveserver and streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker.
I used nvm ls-remote
to find the latest nvm version. Then I did nvm install x.x.x
to install it.
Sadly, there are problems with this. Xrdp auto-install breaks it so I need to revert every time I use it. My plan is to shut this down in favour of my project built on docker-compose-ui. I really just need “edit in vscode on the web” for that to work. It looks like that is do-able by replacing node builtins used by vscode like fs with shim modules like fs-remote.